Collection: Asano Blacksmith

Asano Kajiya makes knives based on the traditional Japanese technique of “sword forging”. The sharpness of the knives allows for delicate handling of food. Asano Kajiya hopes to be a presence that supports everyday dining tables and makes each knife carefully and attentively.

Asano Blacksmith

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Le prix le plus élevé est de ¥85,000


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About Asano Kajiya

What is Asano Kajiya?

After studying sword-making for 6 years with Kanefusa Fujiwara the 25th, swordsmith Fusataro founded Asano Blacksmith (Asano Kajiya) in 2004. In spring 2017, the smithy got a new space to make quality chef knives.

“Latest technologies and industrial products are what humans have sought. They are created to make life better. I understand why people question the need for traditional crafts in comparison. They are not practical and are inefficient. However, I still think they are necessary. The reasons for their necessity can be different for everyone. We have many people with different reasons visiting us", Asano said.

The technique of making swords that Japanese swordsmiths have cultivated since ancient times. Can’t this traditional technique be used to enrich the lives of people living today? The knives made by Asano Kajiya were created with such thoughts in mind.


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