Kategorie: Sadamasa Blacksmith

Sadamasa Blacksmith (定正鍛冶屋) is a hardware store located in Chino City, Nagano Prefecture, JAPAN. Founded in 1920 (Taisho 9), it has been a blacksmith specializing in blades and agricultural tools since its inception.

From 1965 (Showa 40), Sadamasa Blacksmith also began manufacturing and selling forged blades as a hardware store. Each piece is meticulously handcrafted using traditional methods.

Many of the blacksmith shops that once existed in the region have closed down, and now only Sadamasa Blacksmith Shop remains.

The store offers two brands of knives: "定正 (Sadamasa)" and "祐和 (Yuuwa)". The "Yuuwa" line is a new product launched in 2023, developed by Sadamasa's skilled craftsmen by combining traditional techniques with the latest steel materials. These knives strike a perfect balance between ease of use and durability.

Sadamasa Blacksmith


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